Diploma in Graphic Arts Specialist Program
Honours in Bachelors of Science with double major in Chemistry and History
Weekly newspaper production tasks, such as ad-proofing with clients, formatting classifieds section, pagination, and editing flyers. Other projects included branding and creating promotional materials for various shows, events, businesses, and clients such as; show programs, various poster formats, editing, designing and laying magazines, flyers brochures, creating ads, logos, conceptualizing themes for various events and etc.
Branding and designing, and updating; posters, websites, promotional materials, flyers, and other artwork needed to enhance clinic needs.
Creating branding and promotional material such as stationary, virtual catalogs, and website design.
Creating branding and promotional material such as stationary, virtual designing logos, brochures, editing viral videos, etc for a nonprofit organization based in the Dominican Republic.
Designing layout and creating the 2016 Student Journal for Political Science Department at the University of Toronto, Scarborough.
Illustrator for the Education department. Projects include KG textbook illustrations, E-learning teacher training modules (using Articulate Storyline), Education info-graphics, textbook illustration, presentations, video editing for teacher training, etc for a non-profit organization based in Pakistan.
Worked closely with the CEO, GM Outcomes, and Heads of Quality Assurance and Education departments, working on various projects on quality of education in TCF schools.
Coursera – Google
Coursera – University of California Davis